Get Ready. The Gate Opens September 6th.

best haunted houses in greenville sc south carolina MADWORLD haunted attractions valmorph

Character Brief

Name: Valmorph
Nickname: The Bloodletter
Classification: Vampire
Origination: Romania, 1431 AD
Height: 5'2"
Weight: 150bs
Fear: Sunlight
Last Sited: Greenville, SC

Backstory & Cameos

You know, 3000 years does no good for the complexion. Especially on the inside of a dank cave you can’t quite find the way out of. The world has changed much since Valmorph’s inception into the shadows. Some may ask; what does he do in the shadows? To which he responds with a screech before your world goes black. To the companions with which he regularly convenes, he’s suave, sophisticated, and quick of tongue. You will easily slip into a comfort and security with each word, but remember… this is where he wants you to be.

Valmorph is more beautiful than the moonlight dancing upon the calm lake when well fed, but when he hasn’t eaten in quite some time, he takes a ghastly and beastly form. Though he has been many places and is a man of the world, he finds his favorite place to be a hotel in South Carolina. Be wary, he hasn’t eaten since last all Hallow’s Eve. I do believe it is time for him to awaken, and to hunt his feast.

Sightings & Sketches

Submit a photo of you and Valmorph for a chance to win free tickets and swag! Like to sketch, paint or draw? Submit original Valmorph artwork for a chance to win season passes!

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    ValmorphValmorph is more beautiful than the moonlight dancing upon the calm lake when well fed, but when he hasn’t eaten in quite some time, he takes a ghastly and beastly form.