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best haunted houses in greenville sc south carolina MADWORLD haunted attractions henry howards

Character Brief

Name: Henry Howards
Nickname: The Innkeeper
Classification: Ghost
Origination: Piedmont, 1926 AD
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 175lbs
Fear: Angered Spirits
Last Sited: Greenville, SC

Backstory & Cameos

October 31, 1897 – H.H. Holmes was executed without trial for the gruesome murders committed in his hotel. Holmes body disappeared later that night. Investigators reported nothing but the strangely powerful smell of sulfur in the air.

September 26, 1926 – A new hotel is opened bearing the name Deal Tucat. The owner is a strange, eccentric character who introduces himself as “Henry Howards”. The stay is advertised for free until Nov. 4. People flock to the new establishment and some leave reporting strong odors of formaldehyde.

October 12, 1926 – Mr. Howards announces a Music and Dance bash to be held on Halloween night. All residents are invited, even encouraged to bring non-residents to the hotel.

October 31, 1926 – The party begins as the sun sets. A seemingly never ending feast of food and liquor awaits all while the band plays.

November 1, 1926 – Reports of a horrific scene at Deal Ducat start circling. Police arrive to the hotel to find all the doors barred and riddled with bullet holes. When they finally break in, they’re greeted with a view of bodies piled on top of one another. Bullet casings litter the floor. They enter the ballroom and find additional bodies covered in vomit. Howards’ body is the only resident never recovered or located and the only evidence he was ever there were his top hat and red scarf which former residents stated he never took off.

November 5, 1926 – The location is burned to the ground.

Sightings & Sketches

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    Henry HowardsIn the late 1800's, local Piedmont townsmen executed H.H. Holmes without a trial for a string of gory murders. Now, every Halloween, the inn is re-opened for travelers by a mysterious individual named Henry Howards.