Get Ready. The Gate Opens September 6th.

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Character Brief

Name: Gunther
Nickname: The Broken Jester
Classification: Psycho Clown
Origination: Pickens, 1985 AD
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 280lbs
Fear: The Doctor's Office
Last Sited: Greenville, SC

Backstory & Cameos

Gunther knew early on where he found his crown,
To bring smiles to the faces of everyone he found.
He always had his loved ones around,
And a joke in his pocket to invert every frown.

Eventually, however,
her ran out of clever,
And the people could no longer take the endeavor,
But Gunther’s spirit stayed light as a feather.

He laughed and he laughed, and he laughed some more.
He laughed so much he wet the floor,
He laughed ‘til everyone shut their door,
And oh how his poor mother could take it no more.

She took her son to the psych doc of town,
To see if he could cure everyone’s frown.
So he picked and he picked and he picked away,
Little pieces of Gunther’s happy brain.

But unknown to him all he picked of the brain,
Took sunshine from Gunther and left it in rain.
The pain, the pain, Oh the pain gunther knew,
When all he could think about was blood on his shoe.

So in place of jokes and merriment made,
Gunther decided to pick up a blade,
He slashed and he gashed and cut them to pieces,
And then composed his psychotic thesis.

“If they will not laugh I’ll cut them in half,
And in the blood I’ll take a bath!
I’ll wander and wander from place to place,
‘Till I bring a smile To EVERYONES’ FACE!”

Sightings & Sketches

Submit a photo of you and Gunther for a chance to win free tickets and swag! Like to sketch, paint or draw? Submit original Gunther artwork for a chance to win season passes!

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    GuntherIf they will not laugh I’ll cut them in half. And in the blood I’ll take a bath! I’ll wander and wander from place to place, 'till I bring a smile to everyone's face.